is now accepting both online and offline sponsorship and advertising requests from different crafts or hobbies organisations.
Sponsoring will give you the possibilities to reach highly-targeted customers, 24 hours a day. It takes persistent, repetitive, and positive exposure.
Using banners, the exposure in the right column of the whole site provides our sponsors with increased visibility of their products and services (a valuable service in a site that now exceeds 300 pages and growing).
Are you a scrapbook artist? A direct sales consultant? A scrapbook or craft retailer, online or offline? Do you organize scrapbooking cropping/retreats events? Then you may be interested in enhancing your website or brand awareness, through our sponsorship programme.
Allscrapbookingideas.Com offers unique, well-priced, custom-designed and targeted scrapbook and crafts advertising options that reach your customer.
It offers scrapbook and crafts advertisers, the opportunity to increase thier craft business. was started in 2004 and will remain A Non-Commercial Product Of Passion and accepts a small number of partners, who are interested in creating a win-win-win (you-visitor-Allscrapbookingideas.Com) promotional partnerships.
Below is a sample list of ad types we allow advertisers to assess if our package will suit their needs and budget. As such we are flexible about ad placement and appearance.
Format options may include but not limited to...
If you would like to know more about " advertising" by sponsoring Allscrapbookingideas.Com, please fill in the form below.
Remember scrapbooking ideas is limited only to your own imagination. We are all unique and have different lives, careers, hobbies, experiences etc from others.
Capitalize on your uniqueness and turn it into your own unique scrapbooking pages.
It keeps you informed about unique themed scrapbooking ideas, free layouts, Product reviews, supplies, tips, information etc.
Or you can even share your ideas, suggestions feedback etc that will help us improve our scrapbooking experience.
Win Huge Prizes participate in our Scrapbook Contest, It's easy and fun.
Win Huge Prizes participate in our Scrapbook Contest, It's easy and fun.