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Birthday PagesASI #11
September 22, 2006

Allscrappyideas! your guide to all the exciting scrapbooking ideas, info, tips and techniques.


September 23, 2006 Issue #11



"If you don't save your memories they may be lost forever!
Memories are the easiest things to lose.
Don't forget your memories - CELEBRATE THEM!"

Table of Contents

1) Birthday!

2) New pages

3) Submit your scrapbooking layouts.

4) Feedback... Please give your feedback.

5) Featured Coupon/Special


1) My Birthday

Three days ago, I celebrated my thirtieth birthday. I could'nt help but sit down and think, think about the past...the memories, and I regret not putting more time to preserve the memories. With the pressures of life we forget to take time to preserve and celebrate our memories.

I want to use this medium to wish everybody that was born in the month of September a "Very Happy Birthday" and also to all my readers.

Birthdays are time for family, friends, gifts and fun. So use these to preserve and brighten up your family or friends special day.

Do you have a birthday page idea that you will like to share with our readers? Then please submit your ideas/layouts.

2) New Pages

I have added new pages and you can find them at:

Scrapbooking Starter Kits.
Scrapbooking starter kits are a complete set of kits made specially for scrapbooking beginners.

Scrapbooking Retreat.
offers an opportunity for reflection, meeting new friends/spending time with old ones while learning about new scrapbooking tools and techniques

3) Remember that allscrapbooking ideas layouts gallery is up!

I need more layouts for publication, so please submit your layout(s) for publication. There is no limit to the number of layouts that you can submit.

Submitting your scrapbooking layouts for publication is quite very easy. Just go to Scrapbooking Layout(s) Submission Page Tell us all about your scrapbooking layout(s), techniques, ideas, materials and any other information that you want us to know about your layout(s). On completing and submiting the layout(s) submission form, you will be sent an automated email. Check your email, attach the layout(s) and reply.

4) Please give your feedback.

How can be developed to meet your standard and needs? Do you have any question, suggestions and ideas on how to improve this site? Please give your Feedback!

5) Featured Coupon/Special:

I have gooten a 30% dis-count on any of the digital scrapbook membership sites at: for my readers.

Soft Expressions Scrapbook Templates

Scrapbook of a Lifetime Heritage Templates

Printable Pastels 12x12 Scrapbook Templates

PrincessCrafts Digital Scrapbook Templates

Hi-Resolution Digital Scrapbook Pages on CD

12x12 Computer Digital Scrapbook Templates

Computer Digital Stationery Template Pages

FREE Digital Computer Scrapbook Training

Digital Scrapbook Elements and Embelishments by PrincessCrafts

Computer Digital Scrapbook Templates and Training.

Computer Digital Scrapbook Templates Sales

PC Scrapbook Elements Buy Now

MyPrincessCrafts Membership Information

Twas the Night Before Christmas Story Book Scrapbook Digital Downloadable Template Pages

Twas the Night Before Christmas Story Book Scrapbook - Your Memories Are Now Part of the Story

All Memberships Listing

Use this coupon code: “discount30” (all lower case letters with the numbers three zero (30) on the end)

This is a limited time offer. It expires on the 30th of September. Hurry while offer lasts!

I hope this helps you in your scrapbooking goals.

Happy Scrapping! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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